Geography Insights: US - JACKSON, MS

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

56Home Players
89All Players
183Winner WPPRs
522Total WPPRs
154Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
12%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
0%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
0%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call US - JACKSON, MS home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in US - JACKSON, MS:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in US - JACKSON, MS:
66407Frightening Flowood Flip-off 2023-10 Traveler 23.14 43
61177Target Matchplay Easter Extravag 2023-04 Traveler 14.50 20
53774IFPA Mississippi State Pinball C 2023-01 Traveler 12.09 16
44491Flowood Frightening Flipper Fren 2021-10 Traveler 11.93 26
63662Fight to the Finish in Flowood 2023-07 Traveler 10.81 21
54381IFPA Mississippi Women's State C 2023-01 Traveler 9.77 13
55884Freezing in Flowood Round Rudolp 2022-12 Traveler 9.73 25
54043Flowood Frightening Flipper Fren 2022-10 Traveler 9.32 22
45598Frosty's Fair Strikes in Flowood 2021-12 Traveler 8.88 23
51932Try Not to Fry in Flowood- Main 2022-07 Traveler 8.57 21
53962SPOOKTACULAR FLIPPER FRENZY WOME 2022-10 Traveler 7.24 15
58875MISSISSIPPI GALENTINE'S MATCHPLA 2023-02 Traveler 7.10 12
49367Peter, Mopsy and Flopsy's Flowoo 2022-04 Traveler 6.92 18
66367SUMMER STRIKES INTO FALL 2023-09 Traveler 6.21 10
62808JUNIPER JUNE-BELLES 2023-06 Traveler 6.13 8
47999Mississippi Women's March-Match 2022-03 Traveler 4.50 9
52404FLOWOOD FLIPBALL TARGET MATCH PL 2022-08 Traveler 4.12 10
52787BALLS INTO SUM'ALL FAIR STRIKES 2022-09 Traveler 3.64 7
50080May's Magnolia Flipper Frenzy 2022-05 Traveler 3.50 7
45597Frosty's Fair Strikes in Flowood 2021-12 Traveler 3.38 20
51933Try Not to Fry in Flowood - Side 2022-07 Traveler 3.23 19
63735Double Round Robin Women's Tourn 2023-07 Traveler 2.86 8
65879SPOOKTACULAR FLIPPER FRENZY II 2023-10 Traveler 2.53 12
60335BOUNCING BUNNY FLIP FRENZY 2023-04 Traveler 2.46 8

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in US - JACKSON, MS:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
44726Steve Dobbins 1265 WPPRtunist 84.12 10
54384Jessica Thaxton 3928 Traveler 47.25 24
27098Nick Mueller 162 WPPRtunist 35.87 4
82565Ariel Dutton 2503 Traveler 31.48 9
68433Emma King 6392 Traveler 28.17 23
68422Jared King 3223 Traveler 27.00 12
68425John McNaughton 3039 Traveler 26.35 10
19535Kevin Keniston 4854 Local Supporter 24.47 5
13600Carson Thaxton 3139 Traveler 23.61 8
68418Connor Thaxton 4815 Traveler 21.74 9
68428Amanda Turner 5678 Traveler 14.36 24
68424Leslie Sinclair 4540 Traveler 11.56 20
19541Stephen Thaxton 3485 Traveler 10.88 12
92977Tristin Chapman 15662 Local Supporter 10.46 10
50451Bill Baggett 398 WPPRtunist 10.40 5
72532Brandon Chapman 4312 Traveler 10.21 12
68431David Dent 3166 Traveler 9.22 12
105521Tim Brown FL 8829 Traveler 8.58 1
72531Cecila King 11922 Traveler 7.90 21
68432Rob Burnside 7437 Traveler 6.96 7
84775Nicole Blue 19051 Traveler 5.03 12
60052Keith Richter 716 WPPRtunist 4.73 1
72107Brian Fults 1634 WPPRtunist 4.09 5
88658Susan Montgomery 6007 Traveler 3.67 15
75537Brian T King 11945 Local Supporter 3.42 9
92524Joseph Bukosky 7716 Traveler 3.16 3
98645Hugh Garner 3020 Traveler 2.55 2
5445Neil Cox 7285 Traveler 2.40 1
59133Lisa Cox 5846 Traveler 2.00 2
98647Eddie Underhill 1170 WPPRtunist 1.91 2
95503Anna Byars 39673 Traveler 1.91 2
13516Mike Vanetten 6992 Traveler 1.81 2
75027M. D. Perkins 17584 One-Timer 1.78 1
67529Paul Heard 7813 Traveler 1.56 1
84714Wendy Bourg 10831 Traveler 1.53 4
110365 1.51 1
110881 1.35 1
40227Henry Sockrider 18942 Traveler 1.30 2
92978Richard Chapman 15505 Local Supporter 1.24 6
110882 1.24 1
84776Jonathan Davidson 21749 Local Supporter 1.19 6
99463Susana Maldonado 14586 Traveler 1.17 2
7955Christopher Adams 19111 Traveler 1.13 1
88656Sage Brazelton 22025 Traveler 1.09 6
98235Jack Canavan 15746 Traveler 0.97 1
95502Angela Dawley 0 Local Supporter 0.93 2
103608Sheldon Bittner 20996 One-Timer 0.88 1
86348Walter Rosenbohm 21844 Traveler 0.82 2
110880 0.81 1
72533Bradley McCaa 26836 One-Timer 0.80 1


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-03-29
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-02-25

Notes and Acknowledgements